Think back to when you first became a homeowner, back when your house was not yet a home. Perhaps you loved the floor plan but hated the paint color on the outside. Maybe the kitchen needed an island, or you just knew you were going to need to upgrade the dishwasher and oven range to bring them into this century. All of these upgrades not only make your house feel more like a home, but also can increase the resale value for when the time comes to move to a new home here in Arizona.
Upgrading your home with solar panel installation similarly upgrades the resale value of your home, in addition to providing you with decades of energy savings and reduced carbon footprint! Energy Solution Providers has been assisting energy-conscious homeowners throughout Arizona, from Tucson to Phoenix and beyond. Here’s what you need to know about how solar panels for your home increase the value of your home.
Increase Your Home’s Value with a Solar PV System
A well-documented study conducted by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory back in 2015 estimated that a home’s value increases by an average of 3% to 4% (or $4 per watt of installed solar power) after solar panel installation. For homes here in Arizona, the median selling price according to Zillow is $241,800 with an expected 3% rise in price over the next year. That means an Arizona home with a 6 kW solar panel installation will add a minimum of $9,672 and can add as much as $24,000 in resale value, selling at up to $265,800! Plus, since solar energy is so sought after, your home will spend less time on the market.
The lower your energy bills are after your solar installation, the greater your home’s increase in value. This is why choosing the right solar contractor is so important here in Arizona. You need a solar installation contractor with local expertise to make sure you get the greatest return on your solar investment and home upgrade!
What About Off-Grid Solar?
For homeowners looking to eliminate their electricity bill entirely, and keep the light on during an unexpected power outage, Energy Solution Providers also offers off-grid solar (also known as solar with battery storage, or solar-plus-storage). Battery storage takes all of the excess solar electricity converted from the daytime sun and saves it for use overnight, removing your home from a utility-provided grid. This can eliminate your monthly electricity costs and increase the value of your home even further!

Solar (& Real Estate) Solutions from the Arizona Experts
The benefits of investing in solar reach far and wide. When you partner with Energy Solution Providers, we will make sure you get the maximum out of the Arizona sunshine, including:
Qualifying for the 2019 Federal Solar Tax Credit
Choosing off-grid or on-grid solar based on your needs
Understanding net metering through your electricity provider
Financing your solar installation for ownership
Energy Solution Providers has been in the solar game here in Arizona since the beginning. Our experienced solar technicians will work with you during your solar evaluation to determine your energy goals, and then design a system perfectly matched for your roof or property.