One of the best things about solar panels is how easy they are to maintain. Thanks to their extreme durability, solar PV panels can withstand constant exposure to the elements and will last for 25 years or more with very little maintenance. The rain will wash away most of the dust, ash, or debris that lands on your solar panels, which means cleaning solar panels is almost never necessary.
However, some maintenance is helpful for solar panels in Arizona and will ensure you get the most power out of your investment. Energy Solution Providers recommends scheduling a service visit once every two to five years.
Protect Your Investment in Solar Panels With Regular Maintenance
Our annual maintenance contracts include a full system inspection during which one of our certified technicians will inspect the racking of your system as well as all electrical components. If a small problem is detected, our team will be able to address it before it snowballs into a bigger problem, helping to prevent system downtime and the need for possible expensive solar repairs.
Solar panels are an investment for most homeowners and businesses, and we want to make sure you’re getting as much as possible out of your solar energy system. With a regular inspection from one of our solar experts, you’ll have peace of mind knowing that your system is producing as much electricity as possible.
Upgrade Your Solar Power System
Your annual solar maintenance visit is also an excellent opportunity to reevaluate your solar needs and talk to a solar professional about upgrades:
Critter guards: If a pest problem is uncovered during your maintenance visit, we may recommend installing critter guards to keep pigeons, squirrels, chipmunks, and other pests from nesting under your panels.
Solar batteries: Are you tired of demand response charges, or worried about power outages? Consider installing solar battery storage.
Minimize Solar System Downtime During a Roof Repair or Replacement
Because solar panels last for so many years, you may need to have work done on your roof before your solar panels need to be replaced. In this case, your solar panels will need to be either partially or fully removed and then reinstalled once the roof work is complete.
With solar, roof repair and replacement can be a hassle, but Energy Solution Providers makes it simple. We can coordinate with your roofer to ensure the panels are removed and reinstalled in an efficient and timely manner, limiting system downtime. We’ll also make sure your solar panels are protected from damage during the roof repair or replacement process. And, after reinstalling your system, we’ll ensure that everything is working properly so that you can get back to producing electricity right away.
Schedule Solar Maintenance With a Leading Solar Company Near You in Arizona
Have questions about solar panel maintenance in Arizona? Energy Solution Providers can help. We offer full system maintenance for residential and commercial solar panels as well as solar panel removal and reinstallation services. Whether you need solar maintenance for a grid-tied or off-grid system, we are here to help. Our team can help you decide how often your specific system needs maintenance and set up a contract to keep you on a consistent schedule.