Now that the holidays are behind us and it’s back to the grind, what are you goals for the new year? Are there any leftover goals from 2018 that have found renewed hope for 2019? If you looked into solar energy last year but couldn’t pull the trigger, 2019 offers one more chance to get the most out of your solar installation, and Energy Solution Providers has compiled the reasons why.
The Final Year of the Full Federal Solar Tax Credit
2019 will be a particularly special year for solar energy — primarily because it is the final year for the 30% savings that the Federal Solar Tax Credit is offering on the installation of residential and commercial solar photovoltaic (PV) systems. The federal government extended the Federal Investment Tax Credit back in 2015, but that deduction drops down to 26% after this year. The program is scheduled to end by 2022, which makes 2019 the year to get the most out of your newly installed solar panels!
State Offered Tax Credits
The state of Arizona is offering an additional 25% deduction (up to $1,000) on your state taxes, based on the cost of your solar installation. Plus, since installing a solar electric system on your home will increase its resale value, there is the Energy Equipment Property Tax Exemption, which will negate 100% of the value increase on your property taxes. This is so you aren’t financially penalized for utilizing renewable energy in your own home! (You can read up on Arizona’s current rebates and incentives here.)
Keep The Lights On: Battery Storage & Blackouts
It is a common misunderstanding that solar panels alone will provide electricity even in a power outage or blackout, but your solar panels must be combined with a battery storage system in order to be “off-grid.” Technological advances in battery storage systems keep the excess energy your solar PV system generates for use overnight or in an outage — so you’re not wasting a single kilowatt of electricity.
Get Ahead of the (Solar) Game
The California Energy Commission recently passed a motion requiring all new homes and low rise apartments in our neighboring state to have solar panels by the year 2020. Though this motion doesn’t directly affect us Arizonans, the progressive legislation could implicate home builders and contractors across the country. As solar panels continue to grow in popularity and efficiency, it is likely to be adopted by more states in the future. So get ahead of the game while taking advantage of the savings that are offered on the cost of installation!
The benefits of solar go far beyond just saving on the cost of installation, including:
An environmentally responsible home
Greatly reduced monthly electricity costs
Added resale value to your home
Protect your pocketbook from unpredictable energy costs
Make 2019 the Year for Solar, with Energy Solution Providers
When it comes to solar installation for your Arizona home, going with a local expert is essential. Energy Solution Providers know the climate from Tucson to Phoenix and how to harness the power of the sun for maximum energy. We have been in the solar game long enough to have installed some of the first operating solar arrays ever in the state of Arizona — so rest easy when you trust Energy Solution Providers!